Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My boyfriend deserves a medal

I'm having one of those days. My boss is driving me crazy! She is late for everything, not only that, sometimes, she won't even SHOW UP!! Leaving me to clean up after her. I swear my blood pressure has peaked numerous times thru my last year with her. Some days I want to quit. Upon that thought, I called my boyfriend crying angry tears of frustration and he calmly, once again, talked me down off the ledge. He's so wonderful and rational and CALM. I really wish I could be more like him instead of just like me. He deserves a medal...really.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ode to Cheez-its

Lately I've been on a Cheez-it kick. So I decided to write a poem in honor of my fetish. Hope you enjoy it!

Cheez-its make my world go 'round
I'm happiest when I have a mound

Crispy, crunchy, classic, fun
At the office or on the run

I like cheddar best of all
grab a handful, big and tall

Cheez-its and mustard make a great team
When I have them together, I just beam

My tastebuds they captivate
The salty, cheesy taste they mandate

One becomes two, two becomes three
Soon I’m eating them in mass quantities

What's my fav snack? Comes in a red box...
Cheez-its of course! They truely ROCK!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

La Dolce Vita!

Right now, things in life are good and I'll tell you why. After being in a Long Distance Relationship (LDR) for 2 years now, my boyfriend, Billy, is finally graduating from the University of Florida on Sunday and moving permanently to become a Jax resident on Monday! The first year we did LDR from New York to Gainesville and the second year Jacksonville to Gainsville. So you can see that after two years of traveling to be with my love, I am excited to finally become a "local" couple. To come home from work and spend time with my hunny doing normal things like cooking dinner together and having a date to events I attend.

One top of this most awesome development, I finally feel content with my life. I have a great job that affords me special opportunities/blessings I wouldn't normally have as well as great co-workers in a supportive environment. I love that there is such commeraderie between the people I work with, no office politics really. Ironic, since I work in politics. I am also involved with different young professional groups around town, actively volunteering and have made some fabulous new friends. I am really looking forward to some upcoming vacations I have planned too. Billy and I have trips to New York in July and Oregon in August and then I take a cruise with my lovely ladies in October! I appreciate the simple things in life a lot more and have learned so much about myself. I really do feel thankful that God has blessed me so much.
Ahhh, the sweet life, so this is what that feels like....